In line with our strategy to become an integrated company and manage most affecting factors toward creating Healthy and accessible food at the best price possible, we are looking for an agri-food processing or agri-food technologies company in Quebec to acquire or to partner with.

Contact us to find out more, in the meantime please find a brochure of the company profile we are looking for.


In addition to the opportunity that we are actively seeking at this time, we are always looking for strategic partners to drive innovation to the maximum and develop new products and processes and innovative technologies.

There are several ways to forge collaborative links with our researchers, experts, production partners, suppliers, and resellers. We always make sure to use the most appropriate form to protect your interests and those of your business.

Drop us a line to find out more, and feel free to share the brochure describing the company profile we are searching for.

Why should you book a call and what happens next?


We aren't going to spam you with emails or call you a thousand times and trust us we don't have anything to sell to you. After you send us an email or give us a call, we'll learn about what you're doing and what you're looking to accomplish and see from both sides if we have a fit. Maybe we'll find in you our next partner, and maybe help you accomplish your mission too.